Electric Deck (Bicycle style)


This cleverly gimmicked deck lets you display cards with a flourish – no skill necessary! The cards flow from one hand to the other without a single card falling out of place! You can spread the cards up your arm from wrist to elbow without dropping a single card! Years of practice are made easy with the Electric Deck.

Made with poker-sized Bicycle style cards, supplied complete with instructions. (Note: due to the construction of this deck, you cannot perform regular card tricks with the Electric Deck.)

11 in stock

Electric Deck (Bicycle style)


This cleverly gimmicked deck lets you display cards with a flourish – no skill necessary! The cards flow from one hand to the other without a single card falling out of place! You can spread the cards up your arm from wrist to elbow without dropping a single card! Years of practice are made easy with the Electric Deck.

Made with poker-sized Bicycle style cards, supplied complete with instructions. (Note: due to the construction of this deck, you cannot perform regular card tricks with the Electric Deck.)

11 in stock


