There are many effects that require the vanish of a borrowed ring, which is later reproduced from a Ball of Wool, a Locked Box, Nest of Boxes, or other similar magicians prop.
Although a duplicate of a ring can be concealed in the hem of a large handkerchief, this special Ring Vanishing Handkerchief enables you to “vanish” a Wedding Ring or similar in a very easy and convincing manner, and later reproduce the ring from another prop like the Mini Locked Box or Chest, Hexed Ring Box, Ball of Wool etc.
With this handkerchief, you do not have to tuck a corner of the handkerchief under the middle, which is not a very natural way of covering a ring.
The handkerchief supplied is actually a double handkerchief, made of a fine but opaque cloth with a ring on a string attached to one corner.
The ring is completely concealed between the handkerchiefs, but can be felt through the handkerchief by a spectator, who believes he is holding his own ring under the handkerchief. A useful accessory that you can use with several of the trick Ring boxes in our range.
7 in stock
There are many effects that require the vanish of a borrowed ring, which is later reproduced from a Ball of Wool, a Locked Box, Nest of Boxes, or other similar magicians prop.
Although a duplicate of a ring can be concealed in the hem of a large handkerchief, this special Ring Vanishing Handkerchief enables you to “vanish” a Wedding Ring or similar in a very easy and convincing manner, and later reproduce the ring from another prop like the Mini Locked Box or Chest, Hexed Ring Box, Ball of Wool etc.
With this handkerchief, you do not have to tuck a corner of the handkerchief under the middle, which is not a very natural way of covering a ring.
The handkerchief supplied is actually a double handkerchief, made of a fine but opaque cloth with a ring on a string attached to one corner.
The ring is completely concealed between the handkerchiefs, but can be felt through the handkerchief by a spectator, who believes he is holding his own ring under the handkerchief. A useful accessory that you can use with several of the trick Ring boxes in our range.
7 in stock