Carnation Sleeve Bouquet


This is a bouquet of 5 feather flowers for production from your sleeve, body or any production apparatus.

Not new, but we have now again manufactured these from more durable feathers, dyed in fast colors, to bring you a popular production item, at a very affordable price. The bi-color flowers look like carnations, making for a more realistic bouquet.

The ring at the end of the bouquet permits them to be produced from the sleeves as an opening item.

You can also produce them from under a silk, by loading them under the lapel, or near the breast. You can make a self contained foulard, and push the bouquets in the hem of the foulard. You can thus produce four bouquets one at a time, without body loads!

You can also produce them from all standard production props like Ghost Tubes, Mirror Boxes, Temple Screens, Square Circles etc.

95 in stock

Carnation Sleeve Bouquet


This is a bouquet of 5 feather flowers for production from your sleeve, body or any production apparatus.

Not new, but we have now again manufactured these from more durable feathers, dyed in fast colors, to bring you a popular production item, at a very affordable price. The bi-color flowers look like carnations, making for a more realistic bouquet.

The ring at the end of the bouquet permits them to be produced from the sleeves as an opening item.

You can also produce them from under a silk, by loading them under the lapel, or near the breast. You can make a self contained foulard, and push the bouquets in the hem of the foulard. You can thus produce four bouquets one at a time, without body loads!

You can also produce them from all standard production props like Ghost Tubes, Mirror Boxes, Temple Screens, Square Circles etc.

95 in stock


