Russian Dice


These brand new casino-style Russian Chance dice come in 19mm red acrylic. As usual, the set includes the gimmick, and a regular dice to allow the audience to inspect. Also included in the set is 6 heavy-duty envelopes as shown and basic instructions.

The routine is normally presented as a game with the spectators. The magician places an item of value into one of the numbered envelopes (without the spectators knowing which one) and the spectators take it in turns to roll the dice taking whichever envelope matches the number they roll. The magician keeps the last envelope. Surprisingly, the magician is always left with the envelope containing the item of value.

A no-fail method which is great fun and can be adapted to other scenarios.

79 in stock

Russian Dice


These brand new casino-style Russian Chance dice come in 19mm red acrylic. As usual, the set includes the gimmick, and a regular dice to allow the audience to inspect. Also included in the set is 6 heavy-duty envelopes as shown and basic instructions.

The routine is normally presented as a game with the spectators. The magician places an item of value into one of the numbered envelopes (without the spectators knowing which one) and the spectators take it in turns to roll the dice taking whichever envelope matches the number they roll. The magician keeps the last envelope. Surprisingly, the magician is always left with the envelope containing the item of value.

A no-fail method which is great fun and can be adapted to other scenarios.

79 in stock


